Friday, March 15, 2013

Azuki Keki - Sweet Red Bean Cake

Yesterday's dessert. Sweet, moist アズキケーキ (Azuki cake) from 'Shun Na,' a small and very friendly, family-run restaurant, in a wee house in rural Yotsugoya, Akita. 

Fab, fab, FAB cake, but, sadly, the cream let it down, (it was from a spray can), and the greenery (some kind of seasonal parsley-like herb) was a bit of a surprise. 

'Shun Na' provides home-made food of a very high quality. They grow and source their own vegetables locally and only serve what is in season.

Like many small eateries in Japan, the restaurant has an eclectic collection of interesting china dishes on which to serve the food.

I LOVED the plate!

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